Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Response to Chapter 3: "Cheaters, Liars, and Survivors"

Wilding is an escalating epidemic in our nation. The reason it is becoming such an epidemic is because people that are categorized as lesser wilders are slowly becoming ultimate wilders. This happens because the standard of success keeps rising. This could in part be because of the kinds of lavish lives we see around us and on the big screen. American’s see what others around them have and want the same. This kind of mentality which turns lesser wilders into ultimate wilders.

We, as people in society, can see “second America” in our world today as we are amidst an economic recession. Today, money and jobs are scarce. Ordinary people who maybe previously did not take part in wilding, would and will do anything to stay on top as their neighbors and friends lose their jobs and financial security. It is in times like these when we ordinary people resort to wilding ways.

“Second America” is also being affected by the images on television of the rich and famous. Images such as fancy cars, lavish houses and estates, tropical vacation homes, and the latest technological gadgets are creating a skewed view for ordinary Americans as to what success is. Seeing others living this kind of lifestyles makes others want it too. These skewed images of success can makes people do things they may not ordinarily do. Those considered “second America” are constantly bombarded with such images and ideas which can in turn drive them to act in ways they may not ordinarily act; abandoning their morals and values in the process.

Images on television do not exclude hit shows either. The hit show Survivor drew 30 million viewers in its first season. In reality television shows, a wilding culture is imitated. This wilding culture is the reason why people are drawn to watch reality shows. The wilding aspect of it makes the events even more twisted and unpredictable. The characters within this show manipulate each other out of interest for themselves. By manipulating others, they hope to advance themselves into the next round and eventually win the million dollars. Alliances are made and broken at the flip of a switch with no regards to their repercussions on others. Those who fare the best in this show are those who can manipulate and make alliances with others the best. Because of this, many may say that Survivor promotes such wilding behaviors. Many see the success of those on the show and mimic their behaviors and ultimately become wilders themselves in the process. In tough times such as those we are experiencing today, many may even mimic the wilding survival strategies used in this show too.

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